
楊攸雅醫師 DMD, MSD, CAGS

楊醫師是紐約白平原市人。父母皆為牙醫師,畢業於紐約大學,母親的專長為一般牙科,父親專精於贋復科。 在家庭診所成長的楊醫師,從小就有機會觀察並參與到父母為親友丶鄰里所提供的全方位高品質的牙科醫療而嚮往之。


楊醫師志向堅定,於波士頓大學畢業後,接著在牙醫學院獲得了碩士、博士的學位,同時也完成臨床訓練被 CAGS 認證為根管治療專家。

楊醫師除了有最完整的訓練,並使用最先進的儀器 (如Microscope...) 於治療中,期待為病人們提供安心,安全的最高品質服務。

工作之餘,享受 gluten-free 的美食,逗逗名叫 Rocky 的迷你雪納瑞愛犬,並與家人、朋友分享生活點滴共渡美好時光。

Dr. Yang is phenomenal! She cares about the comfort of the patient to the max, always checking up on you during the procedures and is overall a super sweet doctor.”

“Dr.Yang is the best dentist ever. She is very attentive and explains everything very well. She was able to help me with a very complicated tooth problem. I highly recommend her to everyone!”

“Although I was nervous about the procedure, Eugenia reassured that I would be taken care of. She was 100% correct! I did not have any pain during the root canal process. I didn’t even feel when she injected my gum with the numbing medicine.”

”Dr Yang is fantastic. Truly kind and caring for your needs. She aids to those who are nervous and works very gently to provide the utmost care. Her work is phenomenal! I would definitely recommend coming here!!